You are viewing The Exterior view of St. Nectarios Church

Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church and Shrine



The Shortening Front View of the Church

Front (west) of the Church



The Exterior View of St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church



Front (west) and side view (south-west) of the Church



Back (east and north east) view of the Church 




Above are the exterior views of St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church.  Byzantine-Inspired forms were used merely to assert the Church’s historical identity. The images in it create an environment in which the Liturgy can be realized in all its depth which is their primary function. It has a long nave, a single dome, twin façade with column porch and classical pediment. Inside, there is a division of the plan into narthex, church proper, and sanctuary. Inside the sanctuary is the apse, a semi-circular or polygonal termination of the main building at the liturgical east. In the apse to the right (south) is the Baptistery and on to the left (north) is where the shrine for St. Nectarios’ relic is located.

This church has a distinctive appearance in which Byzantine forms are interpreted freely, and of which an ample dome are the most characteristics elements.


For illustrated interior layout of the traditional Byzantine Orthodox church please click the link below:

o   The illustrated architectural layout of a traditional Byzantine Orthodox Church.

o   Please see the aerial view of the Saint Nectarios Church complex.





West view of the Church’s administrator’s and clergy’s offices, book store, and St. Nectarios Hall








The main

Entrance  >>>




Parking space >>>







St. Nectarios

            Hall  >>>










Playground  >>















<<<  St. Nectarios Church    






<<< Side entrance open

         (only during

          Special  occasion)









<<< School  buildings


















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